Main activities
Advise; SEAWISER is a trusted partner in seaweed farming and cutting-edge technology. Their team of expert advisors and developers offers consultancy and advice to help seaweedfarmers to bring their seaweed farm to life.
It is their mission is to harmonize the biological needs of macro algae with technical solutions to maximize the profitability of your farm.
Technology; Seawiser develops and provides the necessary seaweed technology, protocols and project management to ensure your success.
Research; At their state-of-the-art research laboratory and testing facility on the island of Texel in The Netherlands, Seawiser conducts extensive research to optimize the propagation and seeding of seaweed. They integrate their findings into the development of innovative technologies like the SEASEEDER, based on the direct seeding method.
Hatcheries; They also offer plug-and-play seaweed hatchery equipment and fully functional, containerized hatcheries.