Applications of seaweed

In Europe, there are already legions of companies in various markets that manage to successfully apply seaweed in their products. The most successful markets for applications are:


Seaweed can be used in responsible cosmetics and skin care. Many types of seaweed have unique properties. These properties can be used to soften the skin or as a binder in creams, shampoos and toothpastes. 

See NSF members in Cosmetics


Seaweed with its equivalent protein values to animal proteins may well be a crucial link to keep feeding the world. With seaweed as a food ingredient, it is possible in the meat industry to replace part of the meat for meat products (e.g. burgers, meatballs, sausages) with seaweed (hybrid meat). Depending on the amount of seaweed used and/or in combination with other vegetables, the impact of eating less meat (protein transition) is significant. Currently, meat production accounts for almost 60% of CO2 emissions in the food industry.

See NSF members in Food


Seaweed is also known for its good nutritional values . As a source of fibre, protein, minerals and vitamins, seaweed is a healthy food and feed ingredient. An additional advantage is that seaweed in feed reduces emissions, making it an eco-friendly choice.

See NSF members in Feed


Seaweed can also play an important role in the packaging industry. Between now and 2050, global production of fossil-based plastics will double or even triple. Greenhouse gas emissions will grow at the same "alarming" rate. Increasing the use of bio-based plastics made from seaweed can slow these CO2 emissions. As bio-based seaweed plastic is also biodegradable, there are also opportunities to reduce the problem of microplastics. 

See NSF members in Biomaterials


Another application of seaweed is its use as a biostimulant. This supplement has a growth-promoting and/or stress-reducing effect on agricultural crops. This enables, for example, better nutrient uptake or reduces abiotic stress such as drought, or allows plants to better resist biotic stress such as fungi or bacteria.

See NSF members in Biostimulants