Introducing: Seas the Opportunity


Who are you?

We are the founders of Seas The Opportunity: Fiona Trappe of North Wales, with its glorious Irish Sea coast, who has British and Irish nationality with a background in the pharmaceutical industry and enterprise development; and Charles Blair, who currently resides in the not so glorious post-industrial city of Manchester, a British-Aussie, with decades of international tourism development experience worldwide.


What is Seas The Opportunity and what do you do?

At a regional or business level we identify how to maximize opportunities to advance and accelerate the Blue Economy that embrace and positively impact on business, communities, and nature. We cannot do this alone and so partnerships and a collaborative working model are essential to unlock and deliver the marine-based innovation and climate change solutions. We work predominately within the following sectors:

  • Aquaculture (seaweed especially) including allied supply chains
  • Ports and harbours
  • Regional economic development
  • Offshore platforms
  • Tourism

Once an opportunity has been scoped, we then either conduct Feasibility Studies or draw up plans on how to realize the opportunity. We then work with our client to ‘make it happen’ – turn the opportunity into a reality.


What makes Seas The Opportunity a North Sea Farmer?

While not ‘seaweed farmers’ in the literal sense, we very much see ourselves playing a multifaceted and pivotal role as a bridge between NSF members and our extensive national and international networks. On a more bilateral level, we seek to collaborate directly with members of NSF to facilitate knowledge and know-how transfer to advance the growth of seaweed and allied sectors globally.


What could other North Sea Farmers approach you for?

We are always eager to invite collaboration on projects that support, consolidate, and accelerate the growth of the blue economy in the UK, EU and third countries that make a significant contribution to promoting healthy seas/oceans and a healthy planet. In this, we continue to share our networks and facilitate linkages among key stakeholders.


What does North Sea Farmers mean to you?

Rather than working in silos (in isolation), it’s really great to be a part of inspirational and pioneering community of like-minded people and organizations. We see NSF as a hugely valuable resource upon which to draw as well as contribute to. We are delighted to be on board and look forward to working with you.


What is your greatest wish for the future regarding seaweed?

Our first wish is to see the UK learning from and ‘catching-up’ with our European neighbors through knowledge transfer partnerships and closer collaboration with NSF and others across the seawaeed supply/value-chain spectrum. We do after all, have quite a long coastline! We are especially keen to advance colocation (co-use) of seaweed aquaculture with offshore wind farms/parks.


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