Welcome aboard Spaak - Member Interview


1. Can you tell us something about Spaak?

Spaak is dedicated to transforming linear value chains into circular ones through technological and commercial innovations. By partnering in projects and providing consultancy, Spaak aids the seaweed sector in creating circular chains. In the past, Spaak has worked on similar projects in other biobased sectors such as the coffee industry, specifically with Caffe Inc, which now operates its own factory in Amsterdam.

Each successful solution is like a spoke, adding strength to the wheel of circularity. This wheel grows ever stronger, symbolizing the robust and sustainable circular economy we are building together.


2. What are your main projects now? And in which markets are you most active?

Spaak focuses on turning waste streams into raw materials and other valuable products, both commercially and technically. Current focus markets are agri-food, healthcare and construction materials. Current projects involve creating circular chains in the seaweed sector, supporting the development of scalable technologies, and ensuring the sustainability of these chains.

While currently active in the non-food seaweed sector, Spaak also explores opportunities in the seaweed food sector and other areas where seaweed streams are utilized and waste streams are generated. Spaak is focused on developing the entire circular seaweed chain.


3. What do the seaweed sector and coffee industry have in common?

Seaweed offers a unique opportunity to create a circular economy, much like the coffee industry does. In the coffee industry we successfully established a business model for residue streams of coffee and started a biorefinery. For seaweed we foresee a similar opportunity and we will use our experience in helping partners building circular chains to address the gaps in the seaweed sector. Seaweed is an emerging industry with immense potential, and Spaak aims to play a critical role in developing this sector through commercial and technical expertise.


4. What are your biggest achievements and challenges?

Our biggest achievements lay in successfully transforming residue streams to new valuable resources for different sectors. A good example of this is Rice Husk which can be used to replace ingredients for cement and thus vastly lower its environmental impact. We also realized the valorization of coffee residue streams and recently turned our attention to the seaweed industry


5. What opportunities does Spaak see?

Currently, much of the activity in this industry happens on a very small scale. We see opportunities to transform these initial innovations into full-fledged circular industrial production chains. We see great potential in helping the sector move beyond the first idea phase and into sustainable market operations.


6. What does Spaak hope to find at North Sea Farmers? Why do you want to join North Sea Farmers?

Spaak joined North Sea Farmers to help organize the seaweed value chain over the coming years. We aim to connect with companies capable of realizing these chains and support the growing seaweed sector. North Sea Farmers plays a crucial role in this emerging industry, and Spaak wants to support and be part of this development.


7. What can other North Sea Farmers contact Spaak about?

Spaak is committed to valorizing seaweed residue streams and supporting the development and scaling of seaweed innovations, both technically and commercially.  Other North Sea Farmers can contact Spaak to brainstorm circular ideas and for services related to building circular chains. Spaak is also present at North Sea Seaweed 2024 on the seaweed expo and matchmaking events, encouraging companies to reach out and collaborate.


8. What are your ambitions/dreams for seaweed?

Spaak's ambition is to establish a sustainable circular economy in the seaweed industry in which no residue streams are wasted. We aim to assist the entire process from ideation to financing, ensuring that no valuable resources are wasted. By creating better connections within the network, Spaak hopes to unlock the full potential of the seaweed sector and drive impactful innovations.