Seaweed Highlights


26/10/2021 - Are you a university or college student with an interest in sustainability, innovation and offshore seaweed production? Do you want to work for a better climate, the food transition and a circular economy? Then we are looking for you!

Meet ZJÍ Sea Wellness!

25/10/2021 - Walking along the high tide line came the idea of ZJÍ, the pure(nth) line of marine cosmetics. ZJÍ cares about the sea. Sustainability, a clean sea and respect for people and nature are central to our business operations.

North Sea Opportunities and Challenges Discussed in Delft

22/10/2021 - Bas joined the "Noordzeedagen" (North Sea Days) conference on behalf of the North Sea Farmers. He came back with useful insights for the seaweed sector and made new connections. Read all about it here!

Meet our new member Notpla

12/10/2021 - Notpla is a London-based sustainable packaging start-up pioneering the use of seaweed as an alternative to single-use plastic. Notpla is on a mission to make packaging disappear. Leading the way in developing biodegradable & home-compostable packaging made from seaweed and plants.

North Seaweed is now certified organic

28/07/2021 - North Seaweed B.V. is a company focused on the use of seaweed in animal feed. Over the years, the company has gathered knowledge and experience, which has led, among other things, to the development of various animal feed products. Their seaweed and seaweed-based products were already GMP+ certified, but recently North Seaweed also received Skal's organic certification. Hessel Altenburg, owner of North Seaweed, explains what this means for his company and for the seaweed industry.

Meet Win-Wind

19/07/2021 - One of the newest North Sea Farmers is Win-Wind; a consortium of Wageningen University & Research and fishermen. Win-Wind is investigating how the joint use of Offshore Wind Parks (OWPs) in the North Sea can be made ecologically compatible and economically profitable by combining OWPs with fishing with fixed gears.

Press Release: Oceans of Energy

15/07/2021 - Scheveningen, The Netherlands; 15 July 2021 - Today Oceans of Energy announces that its offshore solar system survived all storms in the past 18 months including storms Ciara, Dennis, Bella and Evert. This is an enormous milestone for the company and the energy sector, as it shows that the system is ready for the realization of combined offshore solar and wind projects creating 100 to 5.000 MW of offshore solar energy per project.  

Meet Aqitec, engineering in aquaculture

31/05/2021 - Meet one of the newest North Sea Farmers! Aqitec is an engineering company that is at the forefront when it comes to cultivation arrangements for aquaculture.

Meet the Blue Cluster! Flanders-based innovation platform

31/05/2021 - Meet one of the Belgian North Sea Farmers: the Blue Cluster, a Flanders-based innovation platform that focuses on the development and promotion of sustainable economic activities at sea.

Say hi to Boeg Nautic!

31/05/2021 - Meet Boeg Nautic! Boeg Nautic designs and develops smart concepts into proven constructs. The North Sea is Boeg Nautic’s home base, with generations of offshore and fishery knowledge, this North Sea Famer creates and optimises solutions!